Adderley Living History
As part of the project we would like to create a record of how the village changes over the years. We can go back and look at old photographs of buildings and streets and, in many cases, guess the year that they were taken and see how the streets and buildings have evolved over the century.
This is really interesting to people who live here, move here or visit here but wouldn’t it be great if we could absolutely record our village’s evolution going forward? We have proposed in the bid that we would like people to take a photograph of their house, street or road every 5 years, from the same angle, standing in roughly the same position. This will enable us to see how we change our homes, the buildings in our road, how trees are planted and grow, how the overall appearance of our spaces evolve.
As an example, have a look on the website at the pictures taken from the Bowling Green which show cows grazing in the field which is now Corbet Drive. It’s hard to believe now, that those homes which have been there since the eighties, were once the home of a herd of cows.
We hope that people will want to be involved in this project going forward, and be willing to share any snapshots they have of their home and how it looked from the street in the past. The Adderley Heritage Project will let you know when we plan to take the first pictures and these will be loaded onto the Heritage website with previous pictures of the street so that you can see how where you live changes over the years.